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Patent Infringement Litigation Requires Experienced Legal Representation

The basis of patent infringement litigation is one party’s assertion that another party is violating its legal rights with regard to intellectual property. Particularly in cases in which a violation is found to be willful, the penalty for patent infringement can be harsh enough to sink a smaller company or significantly damage a larger company. Serious patent infringement matters call for serious representation from an attorney with the necessary technical and legal expertise.

An experienced patent attorney can protect a company’s interests in pre-emptive or reactive ways. The former tend to involve careful evaluation of patent claims and the prevention of litigation, while the latter may involve working strategically to mitigate the impact on a respondent in patent litigation.

Exceptional Experience And Resources

Orange County patent infringement attorney Roland Tong for Manning, & Kass, Ellrod, Ramirez, Trester LLP has exceptional experience and resources in the area of patent infringement litigation. Equipped with a strong track record in court and a proven commitment to client service, he represents parties in patent matters involving:

  • Willful infringement: Respondents wishing to avoid maximum penalties through findings of willful infringement — these are often known as treble damages — need experienced counsel.
  • The need for noninfringement opinions and counseling, services that help a business understand conclusively whether patent infringement has occurred
  • Literal infringement, contributory infringement, infringement by inducement and cases involving multiple patents
  • Clearance opinions: Also known as a clearance investigation and a freedom to operate opinion, a clearance opinion can be invaluable for a company wishing to avoid patent disputes or prevent exacerbation of an existing problem. To that end, I facilitate thorough patent searches and formulate opinions regarding the launch of new products
  • Injunctions and declaratory judgments
  • Patent defenses such as the first sale doctrine or patent exhaustion, inventorship, patent invalidity, patent misuse, laches and inequitable conduct
  • Claim construction and markman hearing
  • Local patent rules
  • Court of appeals for the federal circuit (CAFC)
  • Calculation of patent damages

Contact A Patent Litigation Attorney In Orange County | Free Consultation

If you are seeking a Southern California lawyer with intellectual property litigation experience, complete an online contact form, call 949-298-6867 or text CALL to schedule an appointment. Attorney Roland Tong offers a free initial consultation, competitive rates and alternative fee structures.