File For A Trademark And Resolve Trademark Issues With Confidence
When you have expended time, effort and money into branding or creating a product or creative work, it’s important that you protect it from being copied or used by another entity. Ronald Tong assists clients throughout Orange County, California. Attorney Roland Tong assists clients who render services and sell goods nationwide to secure trademarks through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Mr. Tong also assists the creators of original works in securing copyrights.
Guiding You Through The Trademark Registration Process
A trademark is a distinctive word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination of all four, that distinguishes the products or services of an individual or business organization from the products and services of other entities. A federal trademark is good for 10 years in which time it can be renewed if the trademark user can prove the mark is continuously being used to promote goods and/or services.
Trademark Clearance Searches
Before you adopt a mark, affix a mark on your product labels, or engage in promoting a brand name, it is important that an experienced trademark attorney has cleared the mark. Many inexperienced professionals may only rely on the USTPO database when clearing the mark. Although the USPTO maintains a database of registered trademarks, it’s important to have an attorney conduct a thorough search beyond the USPTO database and interpret the results. This shows that the trademark user performed due diligence and would keep the trademark user from being required to pay damages and attorney’s fees if an infringement case should arise.
Clearance searches are comprehensive searches and involve searching additional databases to ensure that another individual or business does not claim common law rights to the mark.
Trademark Opposition Or Cancellation
Attorney Roland Tong has substantial experience before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB). When you have invested a substantial amount of resources in promoting a mark and a subsequent user of the same or similar mark attempts to use or register that mark, Roland Tong can help your company oppose the registration attempt and stop the subsequent user from continuing its use.
It is not common for subsequent users to try to cancel your existing registration and force you to change your product or business name by initiating a cancellation proceeding before the TTAB. Attorney Roland Tong can help you preserve your product or business name and defend you in cancellation proceedings.
Attorney Roland Tong handles all aspects of trademark law including the application process, registration, office action responses, cancellations and appeals.
Contact An Intellectual Property Lawyer For Help
Complete an online contact form today, calling the firm’s Irvine area offices at 949-298-6867 or by text CALL.